4 years ago I was dramatically plunged into the world of motherhood with what Dr. Karp calls a baby with poor self-calming ability and a challenging temperment. He adds that these babies turn into great children(of which I can concur), but I'm glad he offers insight into how to deal in the mean time! Although I am 4 years way too late for Mal, we did survive. I just don't particularly want to be as ill prepared this time as last time. Thanks to a friend for letting me borrow this book, I read it from the time I got home that day, into the wee hours of the night, and Mallorie watched movies the next day until I had finished it. Yes, I was enthrawled...very interested and open to knowledge of what could prepare me for what is ultimately the unknown. That's also why I don't read much because when I pick up a book I have this intense drive to finish it instead of enjoying it (luckily that is with exception of the scriptures). Anyway, I would definately recommend this book to any mother even if your baby has the most delightful new baby personality. It seems like more than just a racket at least! I will try it as soon as I get the chance and give a report. I have also been wanting a double jogging stroller and have been diligently searching for the best deal on craigslist and amazon and other places. Finally the other day I saw one close to where we live that was a very expensive one when new and good quality. It matched all my needs, wants, and was in my price range! So after Joe's and Mal's approval, we are new proud(not in a bad way though!) and appreciative owners of a double jogging stroller by Baby Jogger. Mallorie loves it, we've already been out walking with it a few times...believe it or not I was able to jog for about a minute each time, don't really want to push it right now though. So, with all hopes of baby being happy and mother being back in...well, just in shape, ha!...I hope I'm not just hoping. Usually when I'm determined I can accomplish what I need to with a lot of help from above. Labor and delivery? I'm just gonna wing that! Thinking too intensely about that just leaves Joe and I with high blood pressure and anxiety:P I know there's still over 2 months until Brianna is here, but I'm getting pretty excited. These months are going to go by fast and I want to be as prepared as I can. That(preparedness), paired with faith, should be a good combination. Joe and I have grown together so much these almost 6 years we've been married. Here's to many more years of growth and love with our growing and loving little family.
Thailand, Part 2
11 months ago