Friday, November 12, 2010

Forgiveness Part 2

Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone else for.

I am not good at forgiving other people before they appologize, but I have learned the hard way that some appologies never ever come. Why live with the baggage?!

Today I forgive the middleschool boy at the bus stop that called me "ham bone"(I got skinny in 10th grade, HA!)

Today I forgive the girl who invited me to her birthday party and after getting her gift saying "Now I got what I wanted, you can leave"

Today I forgive the girl in fourth grade that would scratch me with mechanical pencil lead and caused me to have a stomach ache all year long.

Today I forgive that boy on the high school baseball team that told my friend he would never go out with my type.

Today I forgive Fat Jimmy for telling me he didn't talk to women, especially pregnant ones. The joke's on him; I haven't spoken back to him since!...that was five years ago and he stops by the house randomly saying hello.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for.

This has been a hard question for me. I have spent 24 hours thinking of an answer and I am still at a loss. This question takes so huge of an answer and I haven't been able to water it down. I am assuming the question is directing itself towards something I have not yet forgiven myself for. I am a sinner. I am not perfect. I am not even close to perfect. I try. I try to apply the atonement in my life. Heavenly Father wants to forgive me for things I have done wrong and to teach me. I want to obey Him with all my heart; sometimes I am not the best at that but I want to, even yearn to.

When I realize I am not perfect and will sin here because satan is after me...forgiveness is the light I see at the end of the tunnel. Forgiveness is all we have. After doing wrong, I have to tell my Father, "I'm sorry". Without it I would be nothing. With it we can do anything.

I hope this is not a lame "Sunday School answer", because I mean it with all of my being:

I must forgive myself for all of my short-comings.

In saying that, here are some specifics!:

-Not being loving enough/saying I love you enough to people I deeply love and value...though I am working really hard at it!

-Laziness/idleness-not doing the things that really mean something in life

-Not sharing the gospel

-Comparing myself to others

-Wanting what others have

-Worrying about what others think

-Not keeping the Sabbath Day holy

I have to forgive myself for these things repeatedly. I do actually try to fix most of these earnestly. I know the key is to keep moving forward.

Forgiveness is the engine driving me forward.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What not to love?! HA!

Day 2: Something you love about yourself.

I love my undying optimism.

Sometimes I try to be pityful just for the sake of being noticed, maybe? But in the back of my head I ALWAYS have a voice inside me saying..."There is a solution to this"...

Right now is a time where I am having to rely on this more than ever. I like to think it is the light of Christ, even the Holy Ghost, that is the voice I hear. I don't know if those reading this believe in the zodiac, but I believe the alignment of the stars and the universe do play a role in our personalities...under the direction of Heavenly Father of course. Leo's are known for persistence and being strong-willed. I try to always ask myself if I am choosing the right, or not. Adjust accordingly, and try to do better.

Attitude makes the difference, that was our high school band motto. It is a motto I still try to live by.
~Let me add as a sidenote that optimism should not include denial. Acceptance is as much a part of optimism as anything. A vital part, actually.~

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Something to blog about

I decided to play along with you 'Quesas! At least maybe it will make me think about blogging each day for the next 30 days and maybe take my mind of the chaos around me for 30 mins or so...although I could be sleeping right now. Hmmm, decisions decisions...nonetheless here goes!

Day1: Something you hate about yourself.

-I hate that I procrastinate. Why is it so hard to start early? I just don't have the drive to do things unless I feel pressure.

-I hate that I am hard-hearted. I am very cut and dry, maybe too cut and dry.

-I hate that I can't discerne if someone is genuine or up to no good. I can always be dooped. That doesn't help the hard-heartedness.

-I hate that I am not more all aspects. Cleaning, ironing, cooking, being thoughtful, painting my nails, having more than one pair of shoes...that aren't five or ten years old. These things don't come naturally to me. This goes back to being cut and dry...I think most of the things I dislike are linked together. If I could only find to beginning dominoe, I think I could make a huge impact on my life!

This has been fun! I even learned some new things about myself. A little constructive criticism never hurt anyone:) Until tomorrow folks!