Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for.
This has been a hard question for me. I have spent 24 hours thinking of an answer and I am still at a loss. This question takes so huge of an answer and I haven't been able to water it down. I am assuming the question is directing itself towards something I have not yet forgiven myself for. I am a sinner. I am not perfect. I am not even close to perfect. I try. I try to apply the atonement in my life. Heavenly Father wants to forgive me for things I have done wrong and to teach me. I want to obey Him with all my heart; sometimes I am not the best at that but I want to, even yearn to.
When I realize I am not perfect and will sin here because satan is after me...forgiveness is the light I see at the end of the tunnel. Forgiveness is all we have. After doing wrong, I have to tell my Father, "I'm sorry". Without it I would be nothing. With it we can do anything.
I hope this is not a lame "Sunday School answer", because I mean it with all of my being:
I must forgive myself for all of my short-comings.
In saying that, here are some specifics!:
-Not being loving enough/saying I love you enough to people I deeply love and value...though I am working really hard at it!
-Laziness/idleness-not doing the things that really mean something in life
-Not sharing the gospel
-Comparing myself to others
-Wanting what others have
-Worrying about what others think
-Not keeping the Sabbath Day holy
I have to forgive myself for these things repeatedly. I do actually try to fix most of these earnestly. I know the key is to keep moving forward.
Forgiveness is the engine driving me forward.
2 said...:
You are so wonderful Jenn Beast. Your honesty is inspiring. I love that about you. You never try to fake the funk and pretend to be something you're not. I love you and I'm going to call you right now.
So glad you called! It made my day!
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