I've been away for far too long. I have yet again ventured into the art of potty training, and looked to this old blog to see my past experiences. Wow, it was like memory lane! I realized I needed to pick this back up. To jump right in, Jadon, our son which I have not blogged about yet who's two, said to me today as I was cooking lunch, "What chu cookin'? Chicken....and bubbles?" That struck my funny bone. He was trying to guess what I was cooking by observation. He clearly saw the chicken in the oven, and the spaghetti boiling in a pot on the stove. At a rolling boil, it would appear to a two-year- old that mommy was cooking bubbles. Haha! Man, I love those moments. The moments when you realize how innocent they really are.

Then there's my sweet Brianna. Yesterday we inadvertently had a mommy daughter day. I was able to do some things with her that she has been wanting to do with me. You might be amazed at what those things were: Helping cook a meal, sweep and mop our school room, decorate with school posters, and she even took out the trash. It was nice to just spend some special time with her. Oh, and she came up with a poem, too. For Mallorie, since it's almost her birthday. Here it is: "I'm sorry Mallorie, I wish you could stay, But when you turn thirty, You'll be moving away." Hahaha! I guess she's planning ahead. And I guess Mal will be here until she's thirty. And apparently Bri will still be here, too. It is entirely possible these days, but there was also so much innocence in her words. Mal got a kick out of it anyway.

Mallorie is about to be nine, and growing into a smart and talented young lady. When I think about the time period when she was a baby and little girl, it just seems like such a different life we were living; a different time period. Mallorie was our first child, and our hardest. She really helped mold me into the woman I am today. I thought I wasn't going to get through a lot of what we went through, but I did. We did. And here we are. Not perfect and loving it. Just while trying to do this small post, I have had to dispel arguments and stake my claim on the focus of my attention. So, we bloggers can keep a lot of the negative things to ourselves, and remember what gets us through. The beauty of why I am wanting to blog again!