Saturday, February 9, 2008

Our political year in review

We have given a lot of our time this past year to the campaign for Mitt Romney for President(Joe served as the Madison County Co-Chair and I was an intern for the North Florida Field Director, Jess Welter), and in his suspension of his campaign we feel a certain sadness because he, his family, and the entire team have become friends to us. It is not about politics at all. It is about real people fighting for all the values and principles that have always made this nation great. We know Mitt will continue to fight for conservative values in America, as will we. Go Mitt! and thanks for an inspiring year.

Our first time meeting Mitt, March 2007 :

Sending out invitations to our "Rally for Romney" and the event:

Glenn Beck's book signing in Tallahassee:

Our debate watch party for one of the first GOP debates:

Josh Romney brings the Mitt Mobile to Tallahassee (Romney for President Florida Headquarters):

Joe and I put together a stop at the One Eleven Grill in Madison on Craig Romney's Mitt Mobile trip to Florida:

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