Tomorrow is going to be a terrific day. My mom is going to be baptized tomorrow! I am absolutely ecstatic. The Lord hears prayers. I know Jesus Christ lives and loves all of us. My testimony of faith has been strengthened so much because only He knows...anything and everything!! I finally have a STRONG testimony of Joseph Smith through hearing the missionary lessons again with my mom(though I heard them for an entire year before I was baptized). Line upon line, Precept upon precept. That is a concrete truth of how we learn and how He teaches us. I could go on and on, but what matters most is my gratitude to the Lord and my moms willingness to submit herself to listen to His still small voice...which abounded into a large change of heart! I am so excited for all that this means, but for now I am just so thankful for my mom knocking on this door...even the first door to Eternal Life; a door that tomorrow will be opened to her.
Thailand, Part 2
11 months ago
2 said...:
I can't believe this! I am sitting here with my mouth wide open!!! Oh my goodness. The Lord does answer prayers, in his own time, in his own way, with the free will of those around him. I remember you couldn't be baptized when I was teaching you because your mom didn't want it. Look where 7 years has brought your family!
All my love. Have a wonderful day!
Wow, Jenn! That's awesome! I got chills reading your story. I'm so happy for you and for your mom!
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