Today I am saddened. I have been thinking a lot about the people who are our ancestors. The very people who fought so hard to escape an oppressive government, one without freedom. Our ancestors fought so diligently with God by their side to give us this land of prosperity. And it has come to this. This is not going to be a politically correct blog post, so if you feel that you are easily offended please X-off of this screen now. Our constitution was made by man, but inspired by God. It is a document that has guided us into prosperity as a people of a choice land. Because of the righteousness of our ancestors we were able to inherit this land and all the freedoms and liberties that come with it. Instead of continuing in humility and gratitude and working to keep the same freedoms for our posterity, the American people made a decision last night. A decision to take advantage of freedom. Principles, morals, ethics, that no longer was our guide. Last night the American people decided that it was no longer a right to be able to work yourself from poor to rich, but that the rich should have their money taken from them and given to the poor...socialism. The American people chose government health care over free market...socialism. The American people chose the killing of innocent children (with everyones tax dollars) over the sanctity of life...evil. Sometimes you get what you ask for-Change. I have heard many people talk about the effect racism has played in this election. I ask this, who are the racists?? How many people came out to vote for Barack Hussein Obama for the single fact that he looks black(he is half white)? Let's ponder for a moment. That would mean that they didn't vote for the white man, because he was white....many black voters had never voted before and came out to vote for Barack Obama. That would indicate to me that most of them voted for him based on color. My husband had someone call him a racist yesterday because when asked who he voted for, he replied McCain. Don't get me wrong, I did have a hard time voting for John McCain, but I DID NOT have a hard time voting against a socialist. It had nothing to do with color as liberal people would assume. C'mon people, wake up!! Under socialist principles, we lose our freedom!! Please do not be blinded any longer!! The scriptures are not just stories, they are history and how it was made. Have you seen the circle of life in history? We are at the point where we as a people will become humbled by our creator because we did not remain in humility. The debates are over people, and I am sick of hearing what Barack Obama is going to do for me, because I am already fully aware of what he is capable of doing. If you want to know a person, look at their friends-Ayers, Wright.
I thought I would feel better after writing this but I don't. As a matter of fact, I feel awful. Having to think that such good people have been so deceived and will have to endure what comes now, it's sickening. People out their that are liberal seem so easily offended and always want their voices heard, well you know what, I want my voice heard. I am a conservative. I believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. I believe that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. I claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. I believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. I believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed I may say that I follow the admonition of Paul- I believe all things, I hope all things, I have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If their is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, I seek after these things.
God. Freedom. Morals. These are the things that have kept this land blessed and in prosperity.
Disintegration of these things is what brings us down.
It's not really about Democrat versus Republican. It's not really about white versus black. It's not really about Obama versus McCain. It's not really about LDS versus baptist. It's not really about all these things that have been used to divide us.
It is all about Good...versus Evil.
Some reading this will say to themselves, 'Oh she's brainwashed' or 'That's going a little far', and if you said this to yourself, think for just a minute. In this world we live in, we separate church and state, but in the physical bodies we live in they are very much united. Choices made by our elected officials effect peoples lives, they effect peoples ability to make good moral choices versus bad ones and be held accountable for them. Some examples that come to mind are abortion and gay marriage, both of which effect the sanctity of human life and the family which is ordained of God. People want so badly these days to be justified in their immorality, enabling them to continue in their wrong choices with no consequences. From the beginning until the end there will be right versus wrong. We are all human and make mistakes, but we are expected to ask for forgiveness and to forsake our wrong choices. No law that we make here will supersede the laws Heavenly Father has so blatantly given to us.
I truly mean all of this to come across in love, but writing it in frustration may not give that effect.
I love this country. I love the people of this country. I don't want to see it pass away because of the bad choices of my generation. Other generations have paid too high a price to let it go so cheap.
Thailand, Part 2
11 months ago
11 said...:
Oh, Jen, you know how much I love you! I'm one of those liberals (as you know so well) and instead of being offended, I'm sadden that you feel that way.
I don't think Obama is a socialist. His plans for our country aren't as Capitalist as McCain's, but they're a far cry from socialism.
I don't think socialism is so bad. In the Millinum, when Christ reigns on the earth, it's going to be pretty close to socialism. The Law of Consecration is socialism. Public education is socialism. The library is socialism. These aren't bad things, they don't take away freedom, they provide for people.
I agree with you about the sanctity of the family and of life. At the same time, I don't believe that making abortion illegal would solve anything, I think it would create more problems. Look at prohibition. I don't think that abortion is unconstitional, and we have to look at the constition for our laws. I don't think gay marriage is unconstitional either. In our homes, in our chapels, and to our neighbors and friends we must and should share our beliefs on home and family, but ultimately free agency must be premitted. You quoted the 13th article of faith, you know this. Everyone has a right to their beliefs, we can't force religion into our government, if we did we would change the very foundation of our country.
The future is bright, there is hope on the horizon. I know you feel pessimistic now, but give Obama a chance, and in four years if you still feel this way, vote him out. That's how it works, we support our leaders, we pray for them, but we hold them accountable when they don't do what's right.
I love you, Jen. I hope this makes you feel a little better.
PS-capitalism without regulation is like person gets all the money and everyone else is bankrupt.
Hey Olivia!
Thanks for your reply, I love you too.
Just as a short re-reply(HA!) about socialism and Christ:
The law of consecration is a law of willingly giving...socialism is a law of forcefully taking and redistributing(Obamas plan).
We do all need to take care of each other. We do this by charity, the pure love of Christ. Not socialism.
I'm convinced that straight capitalism is just as dangerous if not more so than full-blown communism. Health care is a money-making industry here. Do we really want that? Do we really want to capitalize on people's lives? I love that Obama plans on getting the big insurence companies to treat preexisting conditions. I have a friend who has to buy insurence for her family, and it's outrageous how much she pays each month compared to the very very little the insurence company covers. She's tried multiple insurence companies. In order for a pregnancy to be covered, she has to give the company 18 months notice! Otherwise, all the prenatal care, the delivery, the hospital stay, everything is out of pocket. Her last child cost over $8,000. A friend of mine lost her husband to cancer because they weren't insured. The hospital would only provide so much treatment on credit. Two weeks after his death, she got the letter that he's been approved for Medicaid.
Don't you see a problem with that?
I still don't think of Obama's plan as socialism. Requiring insurence companies to ACTUALLY PROVIDE COVERAGE at an affordable cost just makes sense to me. It would have saved my friend's husband, and it would have kept my other friend from having to take out a second mortgage on her house to have a baby. Life and death shouldn't be money-making industries.
And I don't think the rich paying a little more in taxes will hurt them at all. I loved the way he put it in the debate "I have a little more, I can afford to pay a little more in taxes to help someone else out". (I'm paraphrasing) This isn't redistubution of wealth, that would be the government confiscating a person's entire assets and then handing it out to the general population. We're a far-cry from that happening.
Alright, Olivia promises to step away from the computer, and comment on this blog no more! Sorry for the rant. :)
Jenn, I totally agree with your post and want to think you for posting it. It's nice knowing I have friends with the same values. By the way, we totally need to have another girls night soon, it was so fun to see you back in the summer at LaMay's house. Let me tell you about my day today. Also, some of this is in reply to Olivia's post(still friends Olivia :) but needed to get if off my chest. don't be offended) It was the worst day of my life, thanks to the women I worked with today. This was not due to Obama winning(which I am upset about, but can live with), but due to the racism I saw. I should have reported it to the Human Resource dept, but I was too scared to due to the repercussions I would have gotten from my co-workers. The things I heard and the way I was treated because a "black man" is going to be president was astounding. I thought they wanted equal rights, but apparently only if they get more than the "whites". Quote "We're not minorities anymore, we got black in the white house now". Question, I thought Obama was half and half? Also, it's so sad to me that some of these same people, good people, sold out their values and morals, just so history could happen and a black man could be president. They don't even agree with his campaign! I'm completely not prejudice, but I vote for the man (or woman), not the color.
I also have an issue with working hard to pay for other people to live who are lazy and don't want to work. I see it every day, The patient on medicaid, no job, 3rd baby with a different daddy, brand new car, DVD player, MP3 player, name brand clothes, etc. and attitude that they deserve more. If you want it, work for it. The rich should not have to pay for others to be lazy.
Next point: Abortion is wrong. Comparing prohibition to the murder of innocent babies (that could have been prevented by being responsible and using birth control) is totally wrong. They are NOT comparable. It is not a mystery how babies are made, so if people want to be "grown up" and have sex, be grown up and responsible before hand.
Moving on to insurance. This is not a right, but a privilege. I feel for people that are unable to obtain health ins., but it is not the governments responsibility to provide it. Socialism is not a good thing, and I am very scared to think our country is heading in this direction. Sorry about this venting, but it has been a very stressful day for me.
Shells, I agree, it shouldn't be a freebe. At the same time, these insurence companies are making millions and millions of dollars off of us, and not providing proper care. My friend's husband was working when he was diagnosed with cancer, but he couldn't keep working because he was sick. He didn't have insurence because he was young and self employed. Because of what he made prior to getting sick, he didn't qualify for medicaid right away. They couldn't find a singe agency to help them. Did he then deserve to die? Did he deserve not to get treatment? I'm sure you can't tell me that you think that was okay.
The uninsured who work in our country aren't getting the health care they need. If you make too much for medicaid, but your job doesn't offer insurence, you're out of luck. I don't think the medical field should be out to make a profit, be it in the hospital or the insurence companies. I do think that citizens of a country should be able to get affordable health care, and that's something we don't have.
You've got good insurence now, but what if you didn't, and you or Brad got seriously sick or injured? What would you do? How would you pay for it? If you had cancer, and tried to buy insurence after you were diagnosed, you would die. Period. There would be no treatment for you.
I'm so sorry about the racism thing. I didn't vote for Obama because he's black, I voted for him because he's going to regulate the insurence companies, and require them to provide proper coverage. Because he wants to make insurence for the uninsured affordable. And for a dozen other reasons. I don't think someone should die because they don't have the proper health coverage for their condition. That's something you should like about Obama's plan, it's not socialized medicine (which I would personally love) it's people buying insurence. Only the insurence companies will have to cover preexisting conditions, and the premiums have to be affordable. What's wrong with that?
I have a friend who buys insurence out of pocket. For her family of four, she has to pay $550 a month. This insurence doesn't cover shots, vacines, or emergency room care. It covers 80% of a doctor's visit. Do you know how much additional she has to pay out of pocket, everytime her kids get sick or needs shots? Oh, and it doesn't have a prescription plan at all. Her family can barely survive some months because of doctor bills.
I think it's easy to be apathetic about health care when you're covered. I'm not because of my friend's husband, because of the pain she went through when he past at such a young age. It was wrong, it was wasteful, and it shouldn't have happened in a country like America. If we're so great, we should be able to take care of our people.
I love you both, I know we'll never agree on this. I do see your point, Shelley, about the families on Medicaid who take advantage. But there are families on Medicaid who were working hard trying to improve their lives. I was on medicaid when I had Anjali, and she was on it for her first year before we got insurence with Fai's job. I hope you don't look at me like that. We prayed about having a baby, it was time. We were grateful for the help we got. We both worked until she was born, then I stayed home. Fai worked hard to make that possible. Please don't look down on people who need help.
Olivia, I definitely don't look down on ya'll. I have a bunch of friends that have had to use medicaid at one time or another. I think it's just because of where I work, but the majority of the people I see on medicaid, are not trying to better there lives, they are content to continue to live as they are. Some of the mothers actually continue to have babies with whoever, because they make more money that way than if they had a job. SAD! I don't mind the system when it's used right, I just happen to see it abused almost everyday and it's probably jaded me a bit. Please don't think I was criticizing ya'lls decision, because I wasn't. I'll be home and free this afternoon, if you want to give me call about your problem :)
I loved this post. I feel the same way. I didn't really want to vote for McCain, but I knew there was no way I could vote for Obama. My two biggest reasons-- helping people that don't want to help themselves (meaning immigrants, minorities, and lazy/freeloading Americans alike) and abortion. If Obama's stance on abortion is that liberal, I can't imagine the things we are going to see from him. I was very disappointed in Obama's answer he gave in the final debate regarding his born alive vote. How he can justify in his mind that he did it for "roe v wade" (a fancy way to say again that he was against taking away a woman's right to choose) is beyond me. Killing a baby is just plain wrong. And having a Democratic congress is not going to help with these liberal decisions either. Now, I'm not 100% conservative; I don't agree with capitalism, but you're absolutely right when you say that socialism will take away our freedoms. Isn't it sad what it's come to? I suppose it is to be expected. All we can do it pray for our leaders and make sure our lives are in order. We surely are witnessing the last days.
One comment on socialized healthcare....I have a few friends who live in Canada and England where they have socialized healthcare...They hate it. The doctors are one of the lowest paid people, the care is even poorer than here and Sister Richardson was telling me some horror stories from her pregnancy!
I know something needs to change with the healthcare system but don't socialize it!
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